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About the all new Atomway Website.

What's it all about then?

Atomway has existed as under a number of different designs, names, and even locations. But what is the current site all about? Travel. For a number of years like almost everyone else I've enjoyed traveling, holidaying and taking photos. This site aims to do two jobs, to show those out there what they are missing if they have not travelled before, and to keep a virtual diary for myself to remind me in years to come where I went, what I did, and when.
Admittedly there are a million places that I've never been, that are equally or more interesting than those on this site. Some people spend their whole lives traveling and working in different places, so they have far more pins on the map

Why not just post on Facebook/Twitter/Tumbler etc?

Many of these sites, if you read their terms and conditions are able(but not likely) to just pull your content for any or indeed no real reason. They also technically own the photos that you upload, so if they wish, could sell your images onto third parties. Thirdly, nearly every time you upload your photos to Facebook, the image is compressed, with some data just thrown away, data that to the creator, means something.
Finally, to learn something. Whilst I will admit this site will never gain even 0.0001% of the smallest social media's traffic. I wanted to learn some of the techniques that these sites use every day. From optimisation, to databases. Much of this is stuff I've done in other projects before, but many of those have had very limited purposes and been doomed to failure.

When Can any updates be expected?

Never, honestly never expect any updates. This site will be updated when I remember to do so. Left to rot when I get bored of it. Possibly never even completed.
As I write this, I've gotten a whole bunch of ideas on what to do to expand on what there is, but will almost never get done.

How does the site work?

Originally my site has worked in a very old fashioned way by typing it all onto my offline computer, then manually uploading every file one by one. As it currently stands, the images still have to be done by hand, however pages of text, such as this one, can be done on tablets and even smartphones!

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